Monday, May 11, 2015

Morning Market "Kadoma-mon"

On Sunday of the second week, a morning market is held every month in a local community center( city plaza).
There were many of local shop has their booth inside and outside.
Then they sell their product such as 
foods,drinks,  flowers ,accessories and some booth do some workshop. 

We go there and sell our chirashi-sushi and Inari-sushi at the market.

In this month, there was so many people and our sushi sold out within 45 minute!
Therefore I went back to my restaurant and make some more sushi
and returned to the center.

This month, I made some vegetable carving display for Happy Mother's day!

Last month, I made a Character of Kadoma-city.
His name is "GARASUKE" I made him with sweet potato.
I left the potato's skin for his cloth.

2 month ago, I displayed a beautiful(?) potato woman for white day.
the model was my favorite singer Mai Kuraki. 
Looks like not like her....but she is!!

It was so much fun to open our booth at the market!
If you live in Osaka, please visit our moning market called

The next Kadoma-mon will held in June.14th at the Kadoma City plaza.
Come and join us!

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